Brian Eno

Brian Eno on Miles Davis and Context

I came across this amazing piece by Brian Eno where he looks at Miles Davis, his legacy, and how his context and persona may be more to it than the actual music itself.

"I remember seeing a thing on TV years ago. An Indonesian shaman was treating sick people by apparently reaching into their bodies and pulling out bloody rags which he claimed were the cause of their disease. It all took place in dim light, in smoky huts, after intense incantations. A Western team filmed him with infrared cameras and, of course, were able to show that he was performing a conjuring trick. He wasn't taking anything out of their bodies after all. So he was a fake, no? Well, maybe - but his patients kept getting better. He was healing by context - making a psychological space where people somehow got themselves well. The rag was just a prop. Was Miles, with a trumpet as a prop, making a place where we, in our collective imaginations, could somehow have great musical experiences? I think so. Thanks, Miles, and thanks everyone else who took part, too."

It really makes you think, "Aren't there a few otherartists that fit this description too?"

The whole piece is a must read. It was originally published in The Wire in 1993, but I came across it on this site MORE DARK THAN SHARK

Music I've Slept On: Brian Eno's 'Another Day on Earth'


I remember quite well when this record first came out. I was still working at the now defunct-but-still-dearly-missed Tower Records on 4th street. I was only just discovering some of his records ('Music For Airports' series, 'Here Come The Warm Jets') and was curious to hear what this record sounded like.

My manager at the time, Jim, laid on the hype pretty thick, recalling that this is the first record Eno had recorded vocals for in (25 years?). We managed to get a few promotional copies on release day. Jim attempted to play it that Tuesday in store, however once it started playing it became pretty much inaudible (maybe that was the point?) over the noise of customers making their selections on New Release Tuesday.

Even as background music, it really struck me. Jim passed me one of the promotional copies and it soon fell into my regular record rotation for a few weeks. Then after that, I kinda forgot about it.

Not long ago I had that unusual nag in the back of my head urging me to listen to this record again. I was devastated when I discovered this record wasn't available on streaming services (well, at least Beats)*. Fustrated, I had to go dig up my iPod Classic (gasps!) and listen to this immediately.

The record has a calming but sometimes jarring feeling hanging over it. It makes you feel comfortable, but sometimes vulnerable all in the same space.

Well worth a listen if you're into Eno, or ambient music in general.

Key Tracks: "This", "And Then So Clear", "Just Another Day", "Under"

*Currently this record is out of print, but can be found on Amazon for a reasonable price.